Sunday, December 29, 2019

Email Templates for Successful Networking

Email Templates for Successful NetworkingEmail Templates for Successful NetworkingIt would be great if every schmelzglas we sent for networking purposes was a success. But in order to properly build a network through writing, you have to know how to write in a certain way. And you have to know when to write a certain way. To help make your networking efforts more successful, we offer ansicht email templates below. Plus, we explain when to use these templates.1. When writing your friends friendIt is daring to write a friend of a friend, especially if you do not know the status of your friends relationship with that friend. If for some reason they no longer talk, you very well can be associating yourself with a person who is not liked. And as a result, your email will go nowhere. But if you believe writing someone will be beneficial to both of your careers, you should do it. Just remember to be as friendly as possible.Hi insert nameI reached out to you because we both know insert frien ds name and I saw that you work for this company. Recently I have been working with our friend on a project and trying to find new employment in the meantime.When I saw you and I shared work and friend interests, I started to read your posts on LinkedIn. I agree with pretty much everything you write and think we should talk soon I was wondering if you would be willing to have coffee with us sometime in the near future to discuss some of the things I believe we can accomplish. It would be great for all three of us to get together.Let me know what you think?Best to you,Your name2. When writing an executive, mentor, or geschftsleben leaderWhen you are in the position of writing an executive, mentor, or business leader you are fruchtwein likely writing a person who is extremely busy, important and manages time carefully. Therefore, you cannot be wasting this persons time. If you are going to write them, do not expect to hear back immediately. And certainly, do not write these busy folks without a purpose. Dear contacts name,It is pleasure to write you. I have been following your career, reading your blog, and watching your webinars. I was impressed with insert interest.Right now, I am working on this project. I believe it may be of interest to you. If you have time, Id love to buy you lunch to discuss. It would be an honor to get your insight or better, get involved. We can also discuss if my project can help insert project they are working on.Thank you for your time,Your name3. When writing former colleaguesYou should always stay in contact with former colleagues, especially in a global workforce. They are a great help when you need to look for a new job, relocating, and most importantly...great references.Also, they can introduce you to colleagues of theirs and keep you in the loop on industry trends while providing you with honest feedback. They are especially helpful if your former colleague gets promoted and needs to do some hiring for a new team Relationship s with former colleagues are the best. After many years in a career, you will find your former colleagues will be there for you more than any other person, especially if you are constantly helping each other out.Hey insert name,How have you been Is life treating you well at insert company? I just found an article about related topic to the former colleagues job and thought you might find it useful.I wont keep you. I know you must be busy. Lets talk soonBest always,insert relatable name you both use for the other a friendly nickname4. When writing someone you never metIn todays connected world, we all have contacts that we talk to online and never met in real life. People can go decades in a job communicating via email without ever meeting the other person they are talking to. These types of friends cannot be relied on for in-person meetings, but it does not mean you cannot have them in your network.Do your research. Connect with your distant contact on LinkedIn and get a great idea of what interests you both. You can stay fresh in the persons mind while you both add value to each others career and maybe even your lifestyleHi insert name,How is your week going? I thought of you today because a friend of mine lives near you and it just so happens they are interviewing for a job next week at our company I am reaching out because I thought you both should meet beforehand.My friend works as insert job at insert company. You both should definitely connect especially if she has an interview.Let me know if youre interested. I can set up a meeting with you bothBest,Your name5. When writing someone you met in-personYou went to a conference or an event brde week and collected a bunch of names that require some following up The best part about this is that you had already met them in the same place and were there for the same industry. There is no need to question or discuss if you share a common work interest. You also have the social proof that the person you are writin g is a very likable human being.So, here is a template for following upHi insert name,It was great to meet you at insert event name on date. I enjoyed talking about insert topic with you I looked at your LinkedIn profile and saw that youre currently working on insert whatever it is you share a common interest in. This is the reason why it relates to us both. Would you like to meet up and grab a coffee to discuss ways we can work together?Please let me know It was such a pleasure to meet you and I am excited to landsee we are working on similar projects.Best always,Your nameNote When it comes to any template, please remember simply copying and pasting templates makes your writing style look robotic. You can take the templates above and shape them into something you think will be relatable to the people you contact.All of these templates will help you build a stronger network throughout the course of your career

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

3 secrets to working less and getting more done

3 secrets to working less and getting mora done3 secrets to working less and getting more doneIs one of your 2018 resolutions to be more productive, but youre not sure how you could possibly pack any more tasks into your schedule? We all know the feeling that there simply arent enough hours in the day. As a professor, Im responsible for teaching new material to my undergraduate students, helping my graduate students get their research published, and coming up with new ways to understand the world around us. Im also a single mother raising six-year-old twins, one with special needs. So trust me when I say that I get the feeling of having too much to do with too little time.In considering what I can, in fact, control, Ive begun to embrace how I work instead of how much. My inspiration for this goes as far back as the Industrial Revolution, when factories pushed their workers to produce more by logging additional hours, only to find that, once workers began to exceed about 48 hours per week, productivity leveled out. If youre a knowledge worker - someone who needs an active and creative brain to excel - it may actually pay to work fewer than 40 hours per week. Just six hours of work per day on mentally challenging activities may be your ideal maximum.So, how can you get more done this year while working less? Here are my top three road-tested recommendations.1. Set your limitsI tracked my time for a week to binnensee how much I work. The tracker revealed that I work roughly 42 hours a week and that works for me. Sure, I dont always complete everything on my to-do list during the workday, but Ive learned to be okay with that. After all, things are never really done new tasks pop up all of the time, and, if I dont guard against it, I could have an endless supply of draining duties that split my focus and actually hinder my productivity in the long run. Take an audit of your time and figure out where your tipping point is. Ask yourself How much time do I need to p ut in to tackle the necessary tasks? At what point am I losing focus and hindering my productivity? When am I doing my best work? Where does my output lag? What is my most sustainable schedule? Then, once youve identified your limit, honor it. For those who have to work more than a typical work week, try to arrange your time for mentally challenging activities when you are most able to tackle them. For most people, that is often early in the workday. Know what makes you the best version of yourself and protect your time as best you can. This will enable you to optimize your time at work and place your full attention on what you aim to accomplish. At the same time, it will allow you to honor your life outside of the office by turning off your work-brain and focusing on your friends, family, and passions.2. Take active control of your timeIt is crucial to know your priorities and plan accordingly. How much time do you want to devote to each project? How much time do you have available ? Be realistic and honest with yourself. Pay close attention to how long it takes you to complete any given assignment, and then plan ahead and build that block of time into your calendar. When I get an schmelzglas that requires follow up, I preemptively carve out an appropriate amount of time to complete that follow-up task on a date a few days before its due. The task of handling the follow-up appears on my calendar just like a meeting would. That way, I know I will remember to complete the task and I am confident I will have enough time to do so. Without this method, I may find myself scrambling to get things done at the last minute and failing to appropriately plan the rest of my schedule. I find that on weeks when I forget to schedule my time I feel more frazzled, as if Im constantly playing a game of catch up. These are the weeks when I find myself falling behind and failing to complete what I set out to accomplish. Dont fall into this trap. Build a sustainable, reasonable sch edule and stick to it. This will help you set your limits and work smarter. I urge you to be conscious of your time and to own it, not the other way around. Lets start prioritizing our time off of work as much as our time at work.3. Outsource as much as possibleI have the privilege of making a decent salary that affords me the ability to outsource a lot of the things that I dont like to do. I have a housecleaner to handle the deep cleaning around my house, but more importantly, I have a cadre of sitters who not only watch my kids, but do my laundry, prep meals ahead of time, run errands etc. I also make use of delivery services (for groceries, meals, shopping) to reduce my time spent doing things that I dont enjoy. This may not work for everyone, but recent research suggests that people who spend money to save time report overall more life satisfaction. So, find the job you like the least and figure out how you can afford to not do it. You will be happier, I promise.Jopwell helps Am ericas leading companies connect with and recruit Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American professionals and students at scale.Sign up to find your dream job.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

ASCE-ASME Journal Seeking Papers for Special Issue on the Resi...

ASCE-ASME Journal Seeking Papers for Special Issue on the Resi... ASCE-ASME Journal Seeking Papers for Special Issue on the Resi... ASCE-ASME Journal Seeking Papers for Special Issue on the Resilience of Engineering SystemsThe guest editors of an upcoming special issue of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B Mechanical Engineering are currently accepting manuscripts focusing on topics related to the resilience of engineering systems. Authors who are interested in contributing a paper for the issue, which is expected to be published in 2020, should submit their papers electronically via ASME Journals Connect by Dec. 31, 2018.Modern life has become increasingly dependent on many large, complex engineering systems, including tunnels, gas and oil pipelines, and geotechnical infrastructure. Because they are the foundation of todays society, these complex real-world systems should not only be reliable, but also highly resilient. The rapid growth in t he scale, complexity and interconnection of real-world systems and their environment is associated with a significant rise in uncertainties and risks resulting from the growing gap between current model capabilities and demands to capture new phenomena. Deficiencies of current models have the potential to lead to catastrophic risk and dramatic consequences through cascading failures in complex systems.Analyzing and modeling the resilience of these complex and large-scale engineering systems in the real world has recently attracted significant interest from members of both academia and industry, who have recognized such comprehensive development requires innovative theories, approaches and technologies for resilience assessment and design risk reduction for complex systems and networks at systems scale.The Special Issue on Resilience of Engineering Systems (SI033B), which will include contributions from both industry and academia, is intended to present the most recent advances in th e field of theories and concepts for resilience assessment of engineering systems. The guest editors for the issue are seeking papers addressing areas including the general conception of engineering systems resilience, resilience assessment approaches, system and network models compatible to resilience analysis, approaches to capture uncertainties and indeterminacy in resilience assessment, uniform standards to define system resilience, resilient system design and maintenance strategies, and risk and resilience analysis on practical systems.The guest editors for this special issue are Dr. Geng Feng, University of Central Lancashire (UK) Prof. Michael Beer, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), University of Liverpool (UK) and Tongji University (China) Prof. Frank P.A. Coolen, Durham University (UK) Prof. Bilal M. Ayyub, University of Maryland (US) and Prof. Kok Kwang Phoon, National University of Singapore (Singapore).Papers can be submitted to the online peer review system forPart B. Mechanical Engineeringby visiting the Journals Connect web page athttps// and selecting Special Issue SI033B during the submission process.For more information on the ASME Journal Program, visit Information for Authors.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Answer Difficult Interview Questions

How to Answer Difficult Interview QuestionsHow to Answer Difficult Interview QuestionsYoure bound to be asked some difficult questions any time you interview for a new job. Although you cant know for sure which challenging questionswill come up, there are several common possibilities. Read on to learn how to answer all those difficult interview questions. Prepare for your interview by reviewing each question and considering what an appropriate response might be, based on your background, skills, and the job opportunity. There arent necessarily anyright or wrong answers, but you will need to consider the requirements of the job you are applying for, your strengths, and thecompany culturebefore you respond. Difficult Interview Questions and Answers Questions About Co-Workers and Supervisors-Best Answers Interviewers will ask about your experiences with your colleagues and managers to help determine how well you will fit in with a particular group. Try to keep a positive spin on all your answers, even when you may be tempted to criticize someone you worked with. Here are some examples Tell me about a time when you had to absprache with a co-worker who wasnt doing his/her fair share of the work. What did you do and what was the outcome?Give me an example of a time when you took the time to share a co-workers or supervisors achievements with others.Tell me about a time that you didnt work well with a supervisor. What was the outcome and how would you like to have changed what happened?Have you worked with someone you didnt like? If so, how did you handle it?Tell me about a time that you helped someone. Tell me about a time that you misjudged a person.How do you get along with older (younger) co-workers? Questions About Your Abilities-Best Answers The hiring manager will be assessing your abilities during your interview so he or she can try to determine how successful you might be in the position youre seeking. You should think about specific examples of positive outcomes from previous jobs. Here are some example questions Describe a decision you made that was a failure. What happened and why?Tell me about a time that you needed to convey technical information to a non-technical audience.Tell me about a time that you worked interpreting and presenting data.Why do you think you will be successful in this job?Tell me about a time that you participated in a team. What was your role and how well do you think you fulfilled it?Tell me about a time when you were faced with conflicting priorities. How did you determine the top priority? Tell me about a time when you failed. Questions About You-Best Answers Its appropriate for some personal questions to be asked during an interview, as long as they are professional and relate to your ability to do the job. Like these questions What would you do differently if you could abflug your working life over?How do you balance life and work?What is your preferred way to communicate - instant message, phone, o r email?Do you check voicemail and email when on vacation?What is your favorite book? How about your favorite movie?What historical figure do you admire and why?If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be?What did you do during this six-monthgap in employment?What do you love to do for fun? What led you to this point in your life?Do you consider yourself successful?What inspires you in a job?What excites you most about the position and what do you think would be a stretch for you?Who are the influencers in your life? Questions About Your Career Goals-Best Answers When the interviewer asks you about your career goals, youll want to convey your ambition for the future and also stress your interest in learning and growing in the opportunity at hand. Your interviewer may want you to start with your graduation from college and explain the rationale behind each of your career moves. Also, she or she may ask you to explain the thinking process that we nt into making each of those decisions. In plus-rechnen How many hours a day/week do you need to work to get the job done?If you stayed with your current company, what would be your next move?How do you measure success?Describe your dream job.Describe a job that would be your worst nightmare.If you were the CEO of this company, what would be the top two things that you would do? Questions About Working With Other People-Best Answers In any position, interaction with your colleagues is essential, and how well you manage your relationships with others impacts the work environment for everyone. Interviewers will ask questions to determine how well you are able to work with others. For example How would you assess the skills, personality traits and work ethic of candidates by applyingbehavioral interviewing techniques?What techniques have you used to motivate subordinates to improve performance?Are you comfortable leading group discussions in a way that incorporates diverse views and dr aws consensus?How do you develop a comfortable rapport with clients and determine their preferences for products and services?Do you listen activelyand emphatically to encourage clients to share their feelings and problems? Have you created and delivered training sessions which engage the audience in active learning? Please describe.How would you provide difficult news to an employee targeted for layoff?Tell me about a time when you mediated conflicts between employees or with clients.Are you able to resolve customer complaints with patience and creativity? More Difficult (and Some Strange) Questions These questions dont fall into any particular category and they may seem a bit unnerving. But theyre worth considering Are you a risk taker?If you were an animal what would you be?Convince me to hire you.We unplugged that clock on the wall. Why did we do that?Why shouldnt I hire you?What does your current employer think you are doing today? Interview Questions Employers Should No t Ask Some of the most difficult interview questions to respond to shouldnt be asked at all. These are known asillegal interview questions and employers should leid ask them during ajob interview. But, from time to time they happen so heres how to handle illegal or inappropriate questions.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Java Full Stack Developer Resume: No Longer a Mystery

Java Full Stack Developer Resume No Longer a Mystery Hearsay, Deception and Java Full Stack Developer Resume You will also start reading different peoples code. Net to obtain the back end job done. You dont need to waste your time doing whatever you dont need to do. The back end can be divided up in the exact same way. On the flip side, back end developers have it a tiny bit easier in the start. So, its valuable to have something that provides you with the identical experience throughout. As a way to continue to keep things moving youre want to check your code for bugs on the way, or so the ability to check and debug makes the list of essential skills for front end developers. For instance, if your purpose of being a developer is getting paid better ASAP, then you need to learn the hot stuff in the industry. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Java Full Stack Developer Resume Is Wrong Front End Development is a location of Web Development that contains all the skills needed to produce the visual and interactive portion of a Website. If you would like to learn about mobile design, have a look at the Secrets To Building Mobile Sites Users Love. Getting your site to function precisely the same across different browsers is no simple endeavor. Skillcrushs Freelance WordPress Developer Blueprint is a terrific place to learn what you will need to know to start A whole lot of front-end developer interviews concentrate on the portfolio of work. The path to turning into a front-end developer will surely take a while. A back-end developer may have a number of duties. Maybe you are well-suited to develop into a front-end developer or a different similar career So whether youre seeking to hire one, or would like to become one, its very good to acquire a good comprehension of what the titles front-end, back-end and full-stack developer mean. If youre a business and are seeking to get projects done, think about signing up If youre pumped about employed a s a front end developer but not certain where to find the skills, youre in the appropriate place. Your developer will have the ability to recommend the tech thats most effective for your requirements, but having an extensive view of whats out there will be able to help you make an educated decision. When the code is processed, its prepared to be published to the site. Mobile design may include responsive design, but in addition includes creating separate mobile-specific designs. In the event the vorlage can fulfill your should create a site, then it might only will need to have a few hours to create it. When you master the simple web design principles and also did some basic exercises, you can begin to join the true project to increase your development skills whenever possible. Front-end or client-side development is a comparatively obscure online discipline. Locating a front-end developer has at all times been a challenge as it is not just about their technical skill colle ction. Looking at older frameworks, you will most likely discover approaches and code that are now obsolete. The Good, the Bad and Java Full Stack Developer Resume Developers need a few of that cross-discipline. Full stack they offer the full package. Irrespective of the size of the group, however, front-end developers will probably find themselves using at the exact minimum several prototyping tools. They must have good problem-solving skills in order to address issues with how the site functions. Modern browsers are becoming pretty great at displaying websites consistently, but there continue to be differences in the way they interpret code behind the scenes. On the most fundamental level, JS lets you add a whole lot of interactive elements to your sites. Websites are currently a crucial component for virtually any business to remain competitive. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Java Full Stack Developer Resume Good front end developers will make your site fast, a nd speed is among the most significant features when it has to do with benutzer satisfaction. The content is going to be fixed, meaning that large parts of new data wont be constantly uploaded. To understand the front end, you also need to know the rear end. The back end of a web site is composed of a server, an application, and a database. Especially in the cell market, apps are anticipated to be simple to use without requiring the client to take time to learn the platform. When required to log in to a site and store personal info, users would like to have the procedure to be as easy and simple to understand as possible. Not all users have a dependable online connection. Front-end development is a rather flexible field with regard to where and once it can get done. As you may have noticed, it is a considerable improvement over the front end developer salary in the exact same city. You might think you know what area of internet development that you want to go into, but you are going to definitely discover new interests on the way. The challenge related to front end development is that the tools and techniques used to make the front end of a site change constantly and therefore the developer should constantly be alert to the way the field is developing.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Is a Cv the Same as a Resume and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Is a Cv the Same as a Resume and How to Avoid It Top Choices of Is a Cv the Same as a Resume Just sign up there, complete the details and your Resume is about to download. Resumes dont need to be boring. They provide the all important first impressions to an employer that an applicant cannot give during the earliest phase of the application process. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Is a Cv the Same as a Resume There are lots of ideas, tutorials and sample Resume available to become perfect idea for making your Resume. Our creative schablones permit you to stick out from the crowd. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for several explanations. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. The resume template sample was created with fantastic care and is made to im press prospective recruiters. The template is extremely editable and rather simple to edit. It is very easy to use and it can be edited to your specific needs and requirements. It is quite easy to use and editable. Understanding Is a Cv the Same as a Resume Generally, make certain youre spelling things correctly. Offered in two shade of colours, dark and light now its possible to present your private curriculum vitae with the intelligent and tasteful way. Based on your circumstance youre likely to want to select which kind of a CV is easily the most appropriate. A superb CV generally has the very same type of thing. Is a Cv the Same as a Resume at a Glance Whatever sample you select, be sure your CV is readable and receives attention from your recruiters initially. The CV tips below demonstrate how to earn a CV visually appealing and potent. After youve finished your CVs its critical to proofread them. If you dont have a superb CV, you arent very likely to get the atten tion that you deserve. Career object is just one of the significant sections of an online resume. Writing a CV isnt too challenging job to accomplish as perceived by the better parte of the people. Resumes dont need to take so much of your time but still shouldnt be neglected. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. The template isnt difficult to use and has lots of editing choices. It is extremely easy to use and boasts a large collection of fonts and styles. It is very easy to use and not to mention hosts a wide array of editing options. Top Is a Cv the Same as a Resume Secrets Instead you might want to include things like an expert summary that states what you need to offer you the employer for a candidate, instead of what youre searching for. You desire to be certain you employ the ideal candidate for the job when youve got an opening. If youre attempting to discover a new job, then it is vital to have a well-written CV. How you s ubmit an application for work in Sweden varies between industries. The site also provides essential strategies and guides to make Resume more attractive and potent. In the event you dont have a legitimate reason, your CV will probably be disregarded. This part of your CV ought to be your private profile. In addition, remember the CV also needs a cover letter, just enjoy a resume.